Painful, Fluid-Filled Blisters on the Lips or under the Nose, Cold Sores, Genital Herpes virus, Ulcers and Scabs.
Petroleum 3x 0.50 ml. Causticum 3x 0.50 ml. Croton Tiglium 3x 0.50 ml. Dulcamara 3x 0.50 ml. Graphites 6p 0.125 ml. Hepar Sulphur 6p 0.125 ml. Medorrhinum 6p 0.125 ml. Sepia 3x 0.50 ml. Tellurium 6p 0.125 ml. Thuja Occidentalis 3x 0.50 ml. Anacardium Orientale 3x 0.50 ml. Calcarea Carbonica 6p 0.250 ml. Sarsaparilla 3x 0.250 ml. Rhus Toxicodendron 3x 0.50 ml.
Take 15-20 drops in half a cup of water daily 3 times or as directed by the physician.
Read the label carefully before use.
Store in a cool, dry & dark place.
Keep out of the reach of children.
Keep away from the direct sunlight.
Do not exceed the recommended dose.