Pain in the upper part of your belly that goes into your back. Inflamed pancreas, Pain in Abdomen.
Belladonna 3x 0.50 ml. Calcarea Arsenicosa 6p 0.50 ml. Carbo Animalis 6p 0.50 ml. Conium Maculatum 3x 0.50 ml. Iodium 3x 0.50 ml. Iris Versicolor 3x 0.50 ml. Kali Bichromicum 6p 0.250 ml. Kali Iodatum 6p 0.250 ml. Lycopodium Clavatum 3x 0.50 ml. Plumbum Metallicum 6p 0.250 ml. Podophyllum Peltatum 3x 0.50 ml. Silicea 6p 0.125 ml. Uranium Nitricum 6p 0.125 ml.
Take 15-20 drops in half cup of water daily 3 times or as directed by the physician.
Read the label carefully before use.
Store in a cool, dry & dark place.
Keep out of the reach of children.
Keep away from the direct sunlight.
Do not exceed the recommended dose.