Vasakof Cough Syrup used for common cold, dry & wet cough, whooping cough, chest congestion, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis and bronchial asthma.
Justicia Adhatoda Q 0.1250 ml. Pulsatilla Nigricans 1x 0.0125 ml. Rumex Crispus 3x 0.0125 ml. Ipecacuanha 2x 0.1000 ml. Spongia Tosta 3x 0.0125 ml. Sticta Pulmonaria 3x 0.0125 ml. Antimonium Tartaricum 3x 0.0125 gm. Drosera Rotundifolia 1x 0.0125 ml. Ocimum Sanctum Q 0.0125 ml. Coccus Cacti 3x 0.0125 ml. Blatta Orientalis 1x 0.1250 ml. Mentha Piperita Q 0.0125 ml. Passiflora Incarnata Q 0.0125 ml. Bryonia Alba 2x 0.0125 ml. Zingiber Officinale Q 0.0125 ml. Alcohol 8.00% v/v.
How To Use
One or two teaspoonful after food thrice a day or as directed by the Physician.