Chelidonium majus:
It acts on the liver, portal system, right side of abdomen and right lower lung. Jaundice due to hepatic and gall bladder obstruction, gall colic and gall stones come under this remedy's action. The yellowness and bilious disturbances are its marked features. There is a constant pain at the inferior angle of right scapula which is its chief indication. Pains shoot backwards or in all directions. Pains are of stitching type due to serous effusions. It is indicated in bilious complications during gestation or with lung disease.
There is a great general lethargy and indisposition to make any effort. Patient may have horror of motion as the least exertion makes him tired. There is paralytic drawing and lameness in single parts. Ailments are brought on or renewed by change of weather. Prefers hot food and drink as it relieves the nausea and vomiting. Eating relieves temporarily when accompanied with hepatic symptoms. Tongue is yellow with imprints of teeth, it is large and flabby.