Acid reflux disease (GERD): Sour taste, and nausea in the morning, after eating. Weight and pain in stomach; worse, eating, some time after. Flatulence and pyrosis. Sour, bitter eructations. Nausea and vomiting, with much retching. Worse after eating, spices, stimulants.
Alcoholism: Headache in occiput or over eyes, with vertigo; brain feels turning in a circle. Intoxicated feeling; worse, morning, mental exertion, tobacco, alcohol, coffee, open air.
Constipation: Constipation, with frequent ineffectual urging, incomplete and unsatisfactory; feeling as if part remained unexpelled. Absence of all desire for defecation is a contra-indication. Alternate constipation and diarrhoea-after abuse of purgatives.
Diarrhoea: Alternate constipation and diarrhoea-after abuse of purgatives. Diarrhoea worse, morning. Frequent small evacuations. Scanty stool, with much urging. Dysentery; stools relieve pains for a time. Constant uneasiness in rectum.
Dyspepsia: Weight and pain in stomach; worse, eating, some time after. Flatulence and pyrosis. Sour, bitter eructations. Nausea and vomiting, with much retching. Ravenous hunger, especially about a day before an attack of dyspepsia. Region of stomach very sensitive to pressure. Wants to vomit, but cannot. Flatulent distension, with spasmodic colic.
Headache & Migraine Headache: Headache in occiput or over eyes, with vertigo; brain feels turning in a circle. Intoxicated feeling; worse, morning, mental exertion, tobacco, alcohol, coffee, open air. Frontal headache, with desire to press the head against something. Headache in the sunshine.
Vomiting: Sour taste, and nausea in the morning, after eating. Weight and pain in stomach; worse, eating, some time after. Nausea and vomiting, with much retching. Wants to vomit, but cannot.