This formulation prepared by Planet Ayurveda consists of various effective herbs like Khurasani ajwain (yawani), ajwain, jeerak, saunf, sajjikhar, pudina. These herbs are very effective in shoola prashaman, deepana, pachana and are grahi in nature. Yawani is ushna veerya so it aids to pacify the kapha-vata dosha, reduces shotha and strengthens the abdominal system whereas Ajwain is also a wonderful herb that is beneficial in kapha-pitta vikaras, saunf is widely used for vata-pitta shamak qualities, all the herbs improves the quality of blood. This is also beneficial in daha, trishana, daurbalya and does anulomana of doshas so are beneficial in improving the overall health of the patient.
Take 1-2 Capsules once or twice daily, or as directed by physician.