Vata Balance is a patent ayurvedic medicine of Planet Ayurveda which consists of herbs like bilwa, shyonak, patla, agnimanth etc. All herbs cummulatively work in normalizing vata dosha. and are assisted in vedana sthapana, vrana ropana, and rejuvenation. Bilwa being its primary ingredient with its ushna guna helps to pacify vata dosha whereas Patla a tridosha balancing herb is well known for its vata balancing properties mainly. And Agnimantha is kapha-vata shamak but predominately works on vata balance and helps in vedana sthapana, vatanuloma as well as in sustaining the healthy digestive tract. All the above-mentioned herbs are a part of Dashmool which mainly acts on vata dosha and balances it. This vata balance is a miraculous remedy for keeping you away from all 80 types of vata rogas.
Take 1/2 to 1 teaspoonful twice daily, after meals with plain water or Aloe vera juice or Kumari Saar
Or as directed by the physician.